“Promote Wood” campaign

GD Holz. Wood — the best CO₂ storage facility in the world.

GD Holz. Wood — the best CO2 storage facility in the world.

Climate change is a global challenge for our society that we can mitigate solely by working together and implementing a bundle of measures — the material wood plays an important role in this area because wood binds CO2.

The “Promote Wood” campaign stands for the importance of the material in climate protection. Without the increased use of wood in construction, adequate measures against climate change cannot be achieved. That is why GD Holz calls for the increased use of the material in its key demands. The possible uses of wood in construction are virtually unlimited; woods from all over the world are used in all their diversity and contribute to the reduction of CO2 in every building.

The issue is complex, and the approach of the key demands seeks to do justice to this complexity by addressing many different aspects in these demands, whether forestry, fiscal measures, training or building code law.

It is also important for us to point out the free and fair trade of timber worldwide — wood is a globally traded product, and laws and the due diligence obligations of importers ensure that all wood products on the market are legal and sustainable.


Why do consumers have to pay the full VAT rate for products made from nature’s most ecological material while a reduced rate applies to products such as meat involving high CO₂ production? Why is highly toxic heavy oil or aviation fuel exempted to such a major degree from value-added tax and oil tax while long-lived wood products are not taxed at favourable rates? We demand a reduced VAT of 7 percent on wood and wood products that have a wood content of at least 50 percent. This is the only method for rewarding consumers in the long term when they choose renewable raw materials for their purchases of furniture, wooden houses etc.!

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Our forests naturally bind CO₂. We need the forest for our climate. There is only one solution: reforest and plant! We demand the conversion of monocultures into stress-resistant and sustainable mixed forests. We want farmland polluted by chemical fertilisers and pesticides to be converted into forests. This is the only way to increase the role of forests as important climate protectors. Currently 32 percent of Germany is covered by forests; we demand a target of 40 percent.

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The future belongs to sustainable construction. That is why we demand that wood construction be promoted by the government. The federal, state and local governments must set an example and construct public buildings with wood.

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Wood is a renewable, climate-neutral building material with a long tradition and a promising future. For far too long, wood has been given too little consideration in the construction industry. Lawmakers must act and prioritise wood in the state building codes!

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In the future, wood will play a key role as an ecological building material in the planning and construction of buildings. The education programme for architects must be revised to give this fact due consideration. We demand that wood construction be elevated to a fundamental requirement in architecture studies. There is no other way to ensure that the building industry can adapt to the new requirements of ecology and sustainability! In the future, wood will play a key role as an ecological building material in the planning and construction of buildings. The education programme for architects must be revised to give this fact due consideration. We demand that wood construction be elevated to a fundamental requirement in architecture studies. There is no other way to ensure that the building industry can adapt to the new requirements of ecology and sustainability! It is one thing that wood is often used in the private building industry solely for the construction of roof trusses. But it is quite another matter when the innovative minds for new buildings do not have adequate contact with the principles of wood construction during their studies. There is simply a lack of architects who have worked intensively with wood construction.

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We demand that vocational training in commercial trade and manual trades be promoted especially strongly. Without qualified employees, our SMEs will no longer be able to maintain the standards of their excellent reputation in 10 or 20 years’ time. We need more doers!

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Will Germany’s forests be adequate to meet the country’s timber needs in the future if they are managed sustainably? If we want to strengthen wood construction for future generations, we have to ask this question. Existing trade barriers to the import of sustainable and legally harvested timber must fall. We demand the elimination of tariffs and the renunciation of quotas such as those that are common for plywood.

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